A Wonderful Journey of My Life:: I'm a mother a mother of 4 precious boys. Reading books ismy hobby. Running is my passion. You're welcome to read my life journey. I'm sharing my life here to give ideas, information, inspiration and whatnot to all mothers in the world.
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Monday, February 21, 2011
Weight Loss
Hahahaha...finally! smlm gi timbang berat & shocked coz berat skang ni dh 62kg!! last 2 weeks gi checkup still lg 64.5kg...ni yg wat bersemangat nk teruskn diet & exercise ni! arini dh smangat siap bwk baju tuk gi gym! hehe..ntah gi ke x eak..? tp plan asal klu dpt reduce to 58kg pon dh okies coz nk dptkan original weight 54kg cam x mampu la plops..huhu! so, wish me luck k!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Di Dalam Dilema [HP or Netbook]
Ermm...pening ar smenjak dua ni..keinginan tuk beli hp ader..tp dok pk2 blk..dr bli henpon beribu hengget, bek bli netbook! klu netbook ader, xyah la bwk blk laptop ofis..xde ar berat sgt kan? kan? klu ader laptop leh la on9..:) tp..henpon pon besh gak! plan nk amik mobile internet! so, anytime leh on9..camne eak..? fenin2! bkn per, umah x setel lg kan..? mcm2 mende nk bli lg ni..aritu dh beli sofa & meja makan..pasni nk pk renovate, cat umah, bli kipa, bli aircond, chest drawer, katil syafi & hafiy, per lg..? aduyaaiiiii..fenin2! bila la revised salary nk finalised ni..? critical allowance ke? bila? bila? COLA pon katanya nk naik kan? tp bila? xkan la lmbt lg kot?
Friday, February 18, 2011
urghhh! dh berhari2 dh ni..ati masioh panas lg! apakah? mmg dasar malas wat keje! nk keje mudah!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
hipocrite ppl always be here!
haha...darah nek kapla la pd org2 yg hipokrit kt cni! time dgr mende tu dh nk setel, ken men lg hamik..tup2 biler tau x jadi..dan dan bg balik! poyos giler! memilih nk keje senang jek! susah sket xmo..mende la weh..xpe ar..klu korunk dh xnak sgt kan..? aku pon x kebuluq la wei nk bg sgt!!
korunk nk giler korunk punyer rugi coz dh msk stat last yr kan? kan? x pk lak aku punyer rugi klu proceed coz last yr x kira, this yr x kira! so, 2 thn aku buang masa bodo2 la ni? bgok btol laaaa..pdhal klu korunk amik pon, blh jek gi adjust tuk bg msk thn ni..susah sgt ke nk wat..? ke..tau nk lps tgn je? nk carik2 yg senang2 jek?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My nu sofa, dine table & coffee table..yeayyy!
I just bought a sofa set 3+2+1, dining table 6+1 & a coffee table at Courts yesterday evening..lurve it very much even tho umah yg dibeli tu still pending process lg! huhu..masa tgk last wiken mcm nk beli dining table len..tgk blk smlm jumpa yg len lak! anywhere, its a solid wood & PVC leather in brown colour! just the way i like it..:) but the sad thing is..this is the display set..thr's no more in stock but as i like it, i just took it! btw, i forgot to take picture of my nu coffee table but it is exactly like the dining table..u just hv to picture it with a short leg! hehehehe...
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my new sofa |
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dining table |
Monday, February 14, 2011
Its Monday!
I dun believe in Monday Blues..its juz the matter of psychology! but i did feel tired today..baby syafi meragam mlm smlm kena bgn myk kali dodoikn dier! huhu..anywhere, i'm at d office rite now doing wat i did for the past 6 yrs! uwaaa...! its really killing me!!!
4 a couple of times in 2 yrs i managed to decide what to eat for lunch! Kuew tiau goreng udang..taste delicious & definitely not a wrong choice at all!
4 a couple of times in 2 yrs i managed to decide what to eat for lunch! Kuew tiau goreng udang..taste delicious & definitely not a wrong choice at all!
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Kuew Tiau Goreng Udang |
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Home Furniture
Huhuuu..smlm went to visit my sis's fwen @ Selayang Hospital..she got cervix cancer & had gone thru an operation. She's 2 mnths preggy rite now! huhuhu
Later, went to search for my new dining table & sofa set & chest drawer & so & so..after a few furniture showroom, at last I've found wat I'm looking for @ Courts Mammoth! hehe..x disangka2 lak..tp x smpt nk booking coz got to rush home..:( will be going there today or tomolo afternoon..
Later, went to search for my new dining table & sofa set & chest drawer & so & so..after a few furniture showroom, at last I've found wat I'm looking for @ Courts Mammoth! hehe..x disangka2 lak..tp x smpt nk booking coz got to rush home..:( will be going there today or tomolo afternoon..
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Body Contour Lotion for Slimming Purposes
New Lotion in Town!!
Self manufacturing (actually manufactured by my hubby..hehe! dier ader kilang kt Jhr) klu ader sape2 yg tingin nk wat produk sndrik leh la contact dier k..
Losyen ni seswai digunakan tuk membakar lemak di badan..klu xpon leh guna cam minyak panas tu je tuk berurut! hehe..kepanasannya dijamin!!
Self manufacturing (actually manufactured by my hubby..hehe! dier ader kilang kt Jhr) klu ader sape2 yg tingin nk wat produk sndrik leh la contact dier k..
Losyen ni seswai digunakan tuk membakar lemak di badan..klu xpon leh guna cam minyak panas tu je tuk berurut! hehe..kepanasannya dijamin!!
My heros
Since become a mother of two, lurve to take photos of my childrens! hehe..my 1st son Muhammad Danish Hafiy (meanings "bijak, yang memuliakan")..almost 4 years old tp lmbt sket coz lahir pon dh ujung2 thn on the 28 dec! huhu...talkative boy & sooooo naughty!
My 2nd boy 3 1/2 mnths! Muhammad Syafi Rayyan (meanings "yang menyembuhkan, nama syurga") I call him syafi just like his brother hafiy but 4 my family, its quite confusing! hehe..so they tend to call him Ryan! he's 7 kgs rite now & suker men air liur! one of my brother call him "ketam gemuk"! jahat tol! haaaaa..ni la rupa anak2ku..
My 2nd boy 3 1/2 mnths! Muhammad Syafi Rayyan (meanings "yang menyembuhkan, nama syurga") I call him syafi just like his brother hafiy but 4 my family, its quite confusing! hehe..so they tend to call him Ryan! he's 7 kgs rite now & suker men air liur! one of my brother call him "ketam gemuk"! jahat tol! haaaaa..ni la rupa anak2ku..
Friday, February 11, 2011
My Mom's House
Hi there! arini x balik umah..staying at my mom's house! hehe..tp punyer la ramai ribut2 kt cni (anak2 sedaraku yg kasi pening) tp biasa la kan, lg ribut lg sronok! wawawa
Ape Cer?
Smlm ader aper eak..? mercun dum dam dum dam kul 12am? huhu..nk titon pon kasik kaco saje..last2 bukak tv tp xde mende nk tgk..pastu sambung zzzz blk..
Thursday, February 10, 2011
stroller or baby carrier? hmmm
Gah browsing tgk2 stroller sweet cherry yg 3 tayar tu coz tgk org pakai mcm besh je kan..? found it at mudah.com but hopefully mr. tu blh kautim harga ke..huhu!
Sambil2 tu tgk skali baby carrier... actually dh bli last 2 weeks kt Galaxy Ampang tp cam x besh sgt coz tali dier tu cam lembik & not comfortable masa dukung baby syafi..:( found out bout Chicco carrier. looks smart & comfy tp xtau la pulak camne..google spec dier pon cam x byk sgt info..pasni nk try tgk komen from others bout this carrier! haha..
Sambil2 tu tgk skali baby carrier... actually dh bli last 2 weeks kt Galaxy Ampang tp cam x besh sgt coz tali dier tu cam lembik & not comfortable masa dukung baby syafi..:( found out bout Chicco carrier. looks smart & comfy tp xtau la pulak camne..google spec dier pon cam x byk sgt info..pasni nk try tgk komen from others bout this carrier! haha..
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Meja Makan Chomelku
Sejak nak pindah ni..dh plan mcm2 mende nk beli..nak tukar baru..one of it adalah meja mkn! b4 dis sunz ader meja mkn 4 kerusi tu..solid wood! so, ari senin aritu published la kt mudah.com utk jual..mlm tu ajer dkt 6 org interested nk bli..huhu! ader sorang tu dtg selasa pg terus amik! amiiinnnn..tp yg x besh tu, dh xde la meja kt umah tu nk mkn2!
Ptg tu hafiy blk umah dier tnya.."mama, maner meja kiter maa..? pastu jwb la, meja dh jual la..hafiy: abis tu, kiter nk mkn kt maner? mama: mkn kt lantai je laaa.." huhu..sbbkan dh tsilap bajet, pindahnye lmbt lg..so wiken ni kena la gi carik meja len! wawawa..konpem nk bli 6 seater..khas tuk umah baru nnti!
Ptg tu hafiy blk umah dier tnya.."mama, maner meja kiter maa..? pastu jwb la, meja dh jual la..hafiy: abis tu, kiter nk mkn kt maner? mama: mkn kt lantai je laaa.." huhu..sbbkan dh tsilap bajet, pindahnye lmbt lg..so wiken ni kena la gi carik meja len! wawawa..konpem nk bli 6 seater..khas tuk umah baru nnti!
Lunch Ape Ye?
Erm..utk kesekian kalinya sunz xtau nk mkn ape..hari2 me & my eating partner aka Sharmilah akan pk nk mkn ape..Tkt 11? boringggg...Sooka? as usual..KL Sentral? hmmmm..blh la ek! then kena senaraikn plak sumer yg ader kt situ! hehe...start frm KFC, McD, Secret Recipe, Kenny Rogers, Burger King, Rasa Ayamas, Swiss Oven, Subway,Foodcourt, Hot & Roll, Chicken Rice Shop, Kabul..huhu on & on..last2 gi bli sausage & mash potato kat Swiss Oven? pas bli baru pasan, laaaaaa..smlm pon mkn ni gak cuma bli kt tmpt len je..sedap ke x xtau lg..lom cuba! so sumer..its my lunch time!
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